
An alternative to the VRCSDK menu and parameters editors to provide better functionality and quality of life features.


  • VRCSDK+ does not modify the VRCSDK in any way.
  • VRCSDK+ is not affiliated with nor endorsed by VRChat
  • VRCSDK+ does not require a VRC+ subscription.
  • Please put $0 as the price. If you wish to support, donate here ♡.

Parameters Editor:

  • Dropdown of parameters used in playable controllers for easy selection.
  • Add parameters to playable controllers from the editor.
  • Warnings and cleanup to make sure all parameters are valid.
  • Merge two expression parameters files.
  • Re-orderable list with easy deletion
  • Dynamic, Clean and compact UI

Menu Editor:

  • Menu history to switch between previously visited menus.
  • QoL buttons such as Copy, Paste, Duplicate and Move.
  • Add parameters to expression parameters from the editor.
  • Quickly add a new SubMenu to a submenu control.
  • Set styling for the control such as Bold, Italic and Color.
  • Toggle Compact Mode through the window's options.
  • Warnings to make sure all parameters are valid.
  • Dynamic, Clean and compact UI.


Adds "Quick Setup" Context Menu button to VRC Avatar Descriptor:

  • Sets Eye bones and sets a few defaults for rotation states.
  • Automatically sets View Position based on eye bones.
  • Automatically sets Eyelids type, Mesh and Blink if found.
  • Triggers "Auto-Detect" for lipsync.

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Thanks to @fox_score for assistance with the menu editor.

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